Bridge teachers in the DC metro area

Click here Bridge teacher list to see a table listing everyone who is actively teaching bridge in some form in the Washington DC metropolitan area. If you know of anyone else, or if you spot any errors in the listing, please email the NVBA webmaster at We try to keep this information as current and accurate as possible. How to read the table:


  • Beginner: Someone who has played little or no bridge before (zero masterpoints)
  • Novice: Someone who can bid and play, but needs more experience at the table (~1 to 300 masterpoints)
  • Intermediate: Someone with 2-5+ years experience at the table (~300 to 700 masterpoints)
  • Advanced: Someone who has played for years. (~700+ masterpoints)


  • Individual: One on one lessons
  • Playing: Plays in a duplicate game and goes over the hands during the game and afterwards
  • Small group: Usually 8 or less people
  • Group: Usually 8 or more people
  • Supervised play: A group where the teacher watches and answers questions during play
  • Online: Offers lessons on Bridge Base Online (BBO) or similar internet bridge sites
  • Email: Will answer questions sent via email