NVBA board members and other volunteers

NVBA board meetings are open and any member may attend by notifying the president in advance. Click here board meeting minutes to access all the historical minutes. The treasurer produces a monthly report detailing the current NVBA financial position. Click here financial reports to access all the historical financials. Point your cursor at any red job below to see a picture of the current office holder. Click on any NAME below to get volunteer contact information. We're ALWAYS in need of volunteers. If you'd like to give something back to the game we all love, contact any board member or volunteer below and let them know your interest.

Board members

Office Incumbent Term
President Georgette Weiss 2025
Vice President Jay Simon 2026
Past President Marty Bley 2023
Treasurer Ann Atcheson 2026
Secretary Hal Jones 2025
Board member Georgia Booker 2026
Board member Jason Carter 2025
Board member James Dahlberg 2025
Board member Terry Jones 2025
Board member Joe Hertz 2026

Other Volunteers

Position Volunteer
Bridge in Schools coordinator OPEN
Caddies Georgette Weiss
Charity Francesca Mazarella
Cheer and Sympathy Virginia Fletcher
Club Liaison John Wertman
Education Ron Kral
NAP Coordinator Mary Peters
GNT Coordinator Lucy McCoy
Intermediate-Novice Program Kevin O'Brien
Membership Eric Poskanzer
Newsletter Liaison and Editor Lucy McCoy
Newsletter Production Joe Hertz
Publicity Ron Kral
Regional Tournament Chair Marty Bley
Sectional Partnership Chair Livingston Johnson
Sectional Tournament Chair Margot Hennings
Social Media OPEN
Technology Joe Hertz
Unit Game Chief Director Jim Gerding
Unit Game Manager Georgette Weiss
Unit Game Novice games coordinator Kevin O'Brien
Unit Game Partnerships Jason Carter
Webmaster Ron Kral
Website Liaison/Design Joe Hertz
Weekly email production Mark Chen