NVBA Volunteer contact information

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Ann Atcheson
Home: 703-476-4793
Cell: 703-975-2484
Email: aappaa@aol.com
Jason Carter
Home: 703-528-0906
Cell: 703-508-8685
Email: jec78@caa.columbia.edu
James Dahlberg
Home: 703-534-7916
Cell: 202-879-5393
Email: jamiesnats@gmail.com
Amy Elmore
Home: 571-422-7521
Email: elmoreal@gmail.com
Virginia Fletcher
Home: 703-750-9199
Cell: 703-312-6403
Email: vcfletcher@msn.com
Jim Gerding
Cell: 703-268-9173
Email: jimgerding@verizon.net
Margot Hennings
Home: 703-560-0245
Cell: 703-283-5168
Email: margot10bridge@cox.net
Joe Hertz
Cell: 703-407-2020
Email: joe@drachenschloss.org
Livingston Johnson
Home: 703-591-0014
Email: snowpusher@cox.net
Hal Jones
Home: 703-550-7575
Cell: 703-447-6840
Email: haljones27tm@gmail.com
Terry Jones
Home: 703-671-7050
Cell: 703-627-9293
Email: terry@terryljonescpa.com
Ron Kral
Home: 703-437-0342
Cell: 703-508-4657
Email: RonKral@gmail.com
Francesca Mazarella
Cell: 703-836-6995
Email: Franemaz@gmail.com
Lucy McCoy
Home: 703-848-2331
Cell: 703-795-6525
Email: lucymccoy@verizon.net
Mary Peters
Home: 410-707-6347
Email: mfpeters496@verizon.net
Eric Poskanzer
Cell: 703-994-1169
Email: ny2va@yahoo.com
Howard Stevens
Home: 703-971-8144
Email: hbstevens@aol.com
Georgette Weiss
Home: 301-292-8112
Cell: 202-441-1182
Email: georgetteweiss@hotmail.com
John Wertman
Home: 703-916-1648
Cell: 703-786-0623
Email: jwuva99@gmail.com